Sunday, October 31, 2010

Antidepressant Treatment History Form - ATHF

Used to assist clinicians in defining the adequacy and response to previous antidepressant treatments:
Standardized across study comparison
Rank information about antidepressant treatment adequacy
Time frame:

  1. Both current and past episodes captured
  2. 2 months euthymia required to count as separate episodes
  3. Adequate medication trial at >4weeks
  4. Medication start and stop dates must be obtained
  5. ECT start and stop dates must be obtained
Include all medical records
Detailed as possible
  1. start and stop dates
  2. reason for changes
  3. daily doses
  4. clinical outcome of medication 
Include all psychotropic medications taken to putatively treat the condition:
Consider Antidepressant Resistance Rating (ARR) (3 or higher is adequate)
Subtract one if patient discontinued due to poor tolerability, noncompliance
ECT is not counted as a combination


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